Let's Make Pretties!

Castle Treasure Tin

Price: $10.00

Treasure Tins
Pocket-sized and packed with fun for little ones!

This embroidered Castle diorama will fit inside an empty Altoids ® tin or any rectangular tin that is approximately 3 3/4” long, 2 3/8” wide, and 7/8” deep with a hinge on one long side. Simply stitched on felt, cut out, and glued to the inside of the tin, this project is super easy and fun to make! The following design formats are included: ART, EXP, HUS, JEF, PES, VIP & VP3.

The Castle Treasure Tin features a fairy tale castle with a long, winding cobblestone road and a courtyard garden—perfect for tiny dragons and unicorns. And guess what?

We have ✨ KITS ✨ for this project which even include the tiny animals – click HERE to find them!  (For tips on sourcing your own tiny animals, see DETAILS below.)

P.S. Check out the Treasure Tins collection to view more diorama designs!

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These designs are automatically available as a download. The option to purchase a CD or USB may be selected in your shopping cart.

In addition to the 3 designs, the zip file download contains a PDF with color charts, embroidery instructions, and step-by-step directions showing you how to create the finished Castle Treasure Tin. 

Design sizes: 3.63″ x 2.17″, 3.63″ x 2.27″, and 1.69″ x 1.48″

Tips for finding appropriately sized tiny animals:
If you don’t wish to purchase a kit, you can visit Hobby Lobby, Michaels, or other craft/hobby stores and look for miniature animal figurines that are roughly 1” in size. Many of the animals shown in our sample photos are Safari Ltd ® Good Luck Minis ® which may be found at Michaels (in-store and online) and on Amazon. An online search for “micro mini animals” should also bring up some useful results. When ordering online, be sure to check the dimensions of the figurines to be sure they will fit inside the tin: If at least one dimension is smaller than 7/8” (0.875″) and the largest dimension is no more than 1 1/2” (1.5″), they should work nicely.