It’s that time again for me – packing my suitcase. At the last minute, as usual, yikes!
And once more I am wishing I had a pretty laundry bag to take with me. I mean, really. It’s as if I can’t sew or something. My sister in-law, clever girl that she is, made herself one for her travels a long time ago and I am still in a state of envy over that. Hmmm, I thought, what a nice idea. No more plastic bag hotel thingies for my laundry on the way home. Yet here it is again -ANOTHER trip and NO nice, pretty laundry bag for yours truly. Humph.
So what did I do last night in the wee hours? Ha! You guessed it. Just decided I couldn’t wait any longer I was going to make myself a laundry bag right that minute or bust trying.
I needed fast. I wanted pretty. I had five minutes, literally. I stared at my fabric stacks, nope. Then I remembered that I have an, ahem, extensive collection of vintage linens. Among them are some orphan pillowcases. Some a little too well-loved to actually be used again. (Okay, some are too pretty to use too, but more on that another time!)

So I located my orphan; it is a printed floral cotton case that has a few tiny stains and that well-washed and many-times-hung-out-to-dry sheen. I got a zipper long enough to go past the end of the case a little. Pinned it to one side, sewed it on.

Pinned it to the other side with the zipper closed so I could be sure it matched and then carefully opened the zipper and sewed that side on.

I flattened the tabs at the top and sewed them down to the case so they would be hidden and lie flat. (Stitching marked in blue in the photo below.) I tucked the long unused end down into the case at the end of the zipper to hide it and neaten up that end.

There – done! I have a pretty laundry bag and it’s just what I needed. Pretty and practical and a little bit of home in my suitcase!

Why a zipper? Well, my suitcase is always over stuffed. I seem to find the challenge of getting a large sized suitcase worth of clothes into a carry-on sized suitcase irresistible for some strange reason. I like the way draw string laundry bags look but I figured that the flatter I could make mine the better it would end up fitting into my suitcase on the way back.
I’m a happy traveler today! Got a new pretty to cheer my trip! I hope you make yourself one too!
Till next time,
2 replies on “Last Minute Laundry Bag!”
I love this idea! I have a Mother that is so hard to think of for gifts. I have some vintage pillow cases I was saving for grand children to make pillowcase dresses. I am going to use one to do this for a gift. Thank you so much for idea!
Wow, impressive design with the hand-made laundry bag. Thanks for the share.
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