Tag! You’re It!





Have you noticed how babies make a bee-line for any shiny, soft bits of fabric hanging off things? That’s probably why taggie blankets are so popular. Well, Baby Kate needed a taggie blanket, but not just ANY fabric would do for my little princess, ha! Luckily, I had a stash of silk velvet truly fit for royalty!

As you may know, I dye silk velvet for my own class kits and sometimes I end up with more fabric than I actually need. The extra fabric gets fat-quartered and sold in the shop. While packing up a new dye batch lately I thought, “oh man, wouldn’t this be the loveliest blankie ever?” and YES, it is! 

Kate thought so too. 😊 

It was super easy to make once I unearthed my Baby Lock Walking Foot. I don’t know why I forget about this amazing foot – it is a MUST for sewing together layers of slippery, napped, or very different fabrics. Since I had satin ribbon ends, knit fabric on one side, and silk velvet on the other, I really NEEDED that walking foot! 

This blanket took one silk velvet fat quarter, which is about 18” x 22” in size. I squared up the velvet to an 18” x 18” block and then cut another block of a super soft cotton fleece the same size. I then chose a bunch of pretty satin ribbons in prints and solids to coordinate with my pink velvet and cut them into 3” strips. 

First, I added a pretty monogram to the velvet fabric with a teeny tiny rose from my Petites collection. (Click HERE to go see that whole set.) A layer of silk organza used as a topper kept my embroidery thread from disappearing into the soft pile of the velvet. I also applied a layer of water-soluble clear topper beneath the silk organza so that I wouldn’t cut into the velvet when trimming away the organza. After I trimmed the silk organza, the topper could be ripped away easily. I used a soft tear-away for the stabilizer underneath the velvet. As this project is double layered, the stabilizer side doesn’t show, so any bits left there are okay. Wonder Clips made holding the whole thing together super easy. I did baste the tags on to the knit side first and then applied the velvet side, sandwiching the tags between the two layers.  

Kate knew exactly what those shiny ribbon tags were for – chewing on!   

This was a super easy and fun project, and even if you don’t have a little prince or princess of your own to sew one for, these make great baby shower gifts. Don’t be afraid to use silk velvet for projects like this or other wearable items; since it’s been washed and dried during the dye process, it’s machine washable and dryable again. Just wash and dry like you would any other fine fabric – on a delicate cycle, cool water, gentle detergent, and tumble dry on low heat, removing quickly. Click HERE to go see all the pretty silk velvets currently in the shop! Make something for you! Collars and cuffs on a pretty jacket, maybe? (Oh my, I’m giving myself ideas again!) 

Thanks for reading, I hope you get to make something pretty today! 


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